
Doom Witch Soaps is one person who has the strange impulse to use "we/us" when referring to Doom Witch Soaps.
"Us" is really just me, Jessica W, your soap mistress, fragrance alchemist, web admin, hostess for wayward animals and (lazy) forest witch extraordinaire. 

My goal is a humble one: to create bath and body products that are luxurious, decedent and nourishing for the body and the soul. Products that are not only useful but are as beautiful and unique as the body they serve. Our (my?) pride and joy lies in crafting scents that go beyond the usual, tailored to those of us who like to explore the hidden, unusual, and dark corners of our world. And of course, always, always using the highest quality ingredients possible from ethical sources.

Everything is handcrafted by myself, in my little soap studio. Truly, it is a one-woman operation! (Unless you count the cats who feel it is their job to ensure I trip while holding heavy items at every available opportunity)

A bit of history:
I've been deeply intrigued by the power of scent and perfume for most of my life. Being a "super sniffer" probably contributes to this. I discovered indie perfumes in 2005 and from there my fascination exploded. I researched, questioned, read, purchased and thought about scent and perfume in some form for years. I'd always dreamed of crafting my own scents but it always seemed out of reach - for one reason or another. In the winter of 2018, due to a perhaps not-so-coincidental series of events (including breaking my ankle which left me in bed or on the couch for hours, with little more to do than read and troll the internet) I realized that making soap could be a way to explore fragrance. I met and befriended a local soap maker who generously took me under her wing and from there I read, researched, hypothesized, tested, created, and generally obsessed about soap and fragrance development. 
I've been making soap (both cold process and glycerin) and blending fragrances since 2019 and my fascination and obsession has only grown. There was something a particular, dearly loved friend said to me about my soap that really encouraged me to share with others beyond my circle. After testing a few new scents, she said to me:

"Using your soap just makes me happy. I love the scent so much, and it's a great way to start my day."

The struck a chord with me and I wanted to share that feeling with others. I mean, we all need soap but what if a humble daily necessity could also make your day a little brighter, your burdens a little lighter, and your mood a bit sunnier? And so here we are now. 

Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or to just say hi!
You can use the "Contact" link below to send a message or email us at: doomwitchsoaps@gmail.com

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